
For someone like me, who absolutely lives in a world consumed by words, it’s a baffling thing to be effectively silent online for over 3 years. I have had many an online blog, from the heydays of Xanga, to Blogger, to an overactive scrapbook on Tumblr, to WordPress for a short moment and back to Blogger.

It is nice to finally be at an “adult” level where I have my own domain (that I had bought and done nothing with over 6 years ago!), and I feel like I have my own perspective to bring to the table, and that all my blather for the past almost 20 years online has meant something if it can carry me to this next phase.

I feel resounding, reverberating hope at the start of this year, and I hope you dear reader, do as well. In this space, you’ll find my musings on topics hard and soft, the errant listicle, and the general goings-on of a woman on the verge, but on the verge of what is still to be determined.

Stay tuned because even I am entirely unsure what comes next.
